Bike hire "Garage solidaire Arenam"

Open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 5.30pm; Wednesday from 9am to 3pm and Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Rental point: Garage solidaire - 12, avenue de l'industrie 08000 Charleville-Mézières: 03 10 43 42 75 (Deposit of 100€ for the rental)

Encourage a solidarity economy association by renting, for an unbeatable price, a reformed post office bike with a practical basket to go picnicking on the greenway.
The bike rental service is made possible thanks to a partnership with the Post Office of the Champagne-Ardennes/Meuse region, which has already donated bikes to the association.
Today, 12 bikes have found a second life for a bike rental service.

ARENAM is also (and above all) a Garage Solidaire (to repair your car yourself or be accompanied by a mechanic), and the collection service of used edible oils). In addition to the rental of bicycles on the extra and intra carolo space, near the neighborhoods, as well as on the greenway in the summer period, ARENAM offers to provide a courtesy bike to the members of the Garage Solidaire in case of long repairs to encourage this type of mobility. The membership to the "Bicycle workshop" service allows you to come and repair your bike by yourself or to be accompanied by one of our mechanics at the price of 15€/hour.

Additional information


Additional day rental
Monthly rental
Weekly rental
Location Weekend
Daily rental
Baby seat rental

Payment method: Cheques, Cash, Bank card

Prices given for information only
