German necropolis at La Marfée

The German military cemetery contains 14,055 graves of soldiers from the First World War and 12,788 from the Second World War.
General Gunther Schwarzkopff, "King" of the Stuka (dive fighter), is buried here.
In this imposing, perfectly maintained necropolis, visitors can discover a chapel with a copper roof - with a statue of a weeping woman inside.
A little further on, an 11-metre-high granite cross faces east at the request of the German authorities.

La Marfée’ National Cemetery contains the remains of soldiers who died for France during the Battle of the Ardennes in August 1914 and the final offensive movement towards the Meuse in 1918. Created in the aftermath of the fighting, the cemetery was redeveloped in 1920, and later brought together the remains of other soldiers buried in the Sedan sector. Today, the cemetery contains 1,723 bodies, including 1,202 in the ossuary and a number of foreigners (British, Romanians, etc.).
